
Summer Sweet Treats

Summer time is here.  Kids are raiding your cabinets and refrigerators.  You have extra kids at your house at all times of the day.   What do you feed them?   Kids love to help in the kitchen and they love cool fun foods.  Let them help you create and make their own summer snacks.

I harped on child nutrition in my latest blog.  I actually had a discussion with a client today about this.  He mentioned that his brother had recently had bypass surgery and lost a lot of weight.  He then went on to enlighten me that his nephew who is 9 years old, 5’2”, 190#, and has just been diagnosed as pre-diabetic.  CRAZY!  Diabetes knows no boundaries or age.

My remark to him was, “ I do not understand why parents feel the need to save themselves and not their children.”   It continues.  Why?  It’s easier to not argue about it.   It’s easier to run through the drive through.  It’s easier to let our children eat whatever they want.

The junk drawer…  How many of you have one?  It’s filled with Little Debbie’s, chips, candy, etc. and you never monitor the intake of your kids.  They grab and run off.   I’m not judging because I do keep snacks in my house.  My kids are allowed a healthy snack and a not so healthy snack during the day.   I am saying we, and I say we, need to be just as mindful of what they eat as what we eat.

I have included some fun, frozen, yummy, easy and healthy snacks for the summer.

Frozen Bananas:

Peel and slide on a popsicle stick

Melt chocolate chips

Dip the banana in the chocolate

Roll the banana in sprinkles, peanuts, mini chocolate chips, or anything fun

Freeze and then ENJOY

Strawberry Skewers:

2 Strawberries


Brownie bite

Arrange on skewer


Yogurt Pops:

Your favorite Greek Yogurt

Your favorite fruit

1 TBLS Honey

Blend together

Place in Cup – Popsicle stick attached

Freeze and Enjoy


