
Coach’s Corner

Coach’s Corner

This is where I get to brag, tell on, talk about things I see in the gym, like in the gym, do in the gym, and challenge in and out of the gym.

This week, I chose to highlight BOOTCAMP. This is a 6-week total body training camp. I teach at Louisiana Athletic Club, Alexandria on Tuesday and Thursday mornings from 5:45 – 6:30am. It is an ongoing cycle. When one camp finishes, the next one begins the following week. The price is $200 for members and $250 for non-members.

We do a little of everything and I mean everything.

Well what if I can’t? I hear you! That shouldn’t stop you. I modify. I make exceptions. You put in the work. Our age range is from 22 – 60. We are all over the board, but we cheer on one just like we cheer on the other. There are anywhere from 15-22 people in the camps. Their level of ability and intensity has no reflection on the hard work and dedication each one of them put in. There is a no judgement zone. They are all Rockstar’s.

The dynamics of watching them is amazing. I have witnessed so much character building, strength, endurance, friendships, encouragement, accountability and basically united a family like atmosphere. It’s so cool to observe in my shoes.

Find what moves you! It could be your nearest STRONG Bootcamp.

“We have strong workouts that have variety that keeps me from burning out or getting bored. The friendships that have developed. It’s a social thing. It has an atmosphere that is positive and based on growth. Stevie Wonder and other great music is always a plus”. Kelly Pears

“Starting my day with you and a group of people that want to be strong both physically and mentally is amazing”. Jennifer Peach

Workout Challenge for the weekend: Do each movement 1:1, 2:2, 3:3 and so on.

“Quick and Easy”

Run 200 meters (or row)

1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10 of Squats (or jump squats) and burpees

Run 200 meters (or row)

10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 of sit-ups and pushups